If there ever was a time when we needed to study the Book of Revelation, now is that time. Our news media is filled with deception and distortion.
Our politicians are lying to us about science.
Our children are being indoctrinated with perversion, Marxism, and every evil religion. And sadly, much of this has already crawled in and infected the church.
These are all signs pointing to the very soon return of Christ.

In the first chapter of this powerful book, God promises a special blessing for all those who study it.
Understanding and properly interpreting this very important book of the Bible helps us to discern what is going on around us properly and accurately interpret what is going on in our culture, our government, and our churches.
That is what The Book of Revelation Study is all about.
Hi, my name is F. Dean Hackett. I am a pastor, church planter, and student of the Word.
I hold a Masters and Ph.D. in theology and have been studying end time prophecy through the lens of current events for over 40 years.
I have put together this Bible study to help the church understand the meaning behind what John saw in his vision while on the Island of Patmos.
Many Christians find themselves find themselves lost and confused, because they don’t understand the historic and prophetic meaning behind the imagery that John saw.
In this 21-week Bible study, I unpack the Book of Revelation chapter-by-chapter.
I reveal for you the exciting and profound meaning behind the imagery we read and how it relates to us today, in the 21st century.
With this course you receive:
- Lifetime access to all materials
- 20 video-based lessons
- A free workbook
- Access to a private Facebook group where you can discuss the lessons with me and other students