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Have you ever read biblical prophecy and felt confused?
- You felt like it was “all Greek”
- You look at current events and know that they are saying something, but you’re not sure what
- You hear people say “Jesus will return soon”, but wonder because people have been saying that for hundreds of years already

What if I told you that you could read the prophetic books of the Bible and understand what they say?
Does God have a time piece that He uses to measure the times and seasons as we approach the Last Days? If so, what is that time piece and what time is it?
Understanding End Time signs requires a clear understanding of the origin and the conspiracy that has been going on for millennia. You will not grasp what is happening in our nation and the world without this basic understanding. Too many of God’s kids are confused and frustrated because they see it as a liberal-conservative issue or a democrat-republican issue; they see it merely as a human conspiracy.

Hi, my name is F. Dean Hackett. I am a pastor, church planter, and student of the Word.
I hold a Masters and Ph.D. in theology and have been studying end time prophecy through the lens of current events for over 40 years.
I have put together this course to help the church understand biblical prophecy as it correlates with historical and current events so that we can discern where we are on God’s time clock.
While “no man can know the day nor the hour”, we can discern how close we are to Christ’s return by lining up biblical prophecy with what is going on in the world today.
This is what “Where Are We At On God’s Time Clock” is all about!
Where Are We At On God’s Time Clock is a 14-week course on understanding end time prophecy through the lens of historic and current events.
With this course you receive:
- Lifetime access to all materials
- 16 video-based lessons
- A free workbook
- Access to a private Facebook group where you can discuss the lessons with me and other students

Where Are We On God’s Time Clock Lessons Are:
- What is God’s Time Clock
- Major Events In Prophetic History
- The Development of the Global Government
- What Is the Battle of Hamon Gog?
- A Little Horn and a Beast
- A Woman Had a Lamb
- The Rise of the Anti-Christ
- As In the Days of Noah
- The Spiritual Condition of the Church
- A Biblical Basis For the Rapture of the Church
- The Assyrian
- What Does Hanukkah Reveal?
(some of these lessons are in two parts, giving this course a total of 16 lessons)
For individual use only! To use in a group setting, you will need to purchase a group license.
Articles on Jesus’ Second Coming:
The Most Important Question You’ll Ever Answer
Will You Be Caught By Surprise