3 Reasons to Believe God Created the World in Six Days
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Is it significant that God created the world in six literal days and rested on the seventh day?
Why not consider those as seven eras of time?
One day with God is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day, right (2 Peter 3:8)?
Wouldn’t seven eras of time make the Bible fit the scientific evidence better?
Was Moses writing allegorically when he referred to creation happening in six days?
These question and more are becoming the basis of study in the first two chapters of Genesis by many Bible teachers and professors.
Biologos, Faraday Institute, and authors such as Francis Collins of the Gnome Project, are having great influence in the establishment of theistic evolution and replacing the historical teaching of a young earth created in six literal days.
Maybe it is a new era of historical criticism (used to be known as higher criticism) or just an extension of its influence into this generation.
The influx of this biblical criticism should raise the questions, “Why should we give credence to a theory established by an atheist and publicly proclaimed by the leading atheists of this generation (i.e. Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris)?”
“Why embrace that theory as the means by which the earth and human life came into existence?”
I will leave the exposition of the total lack of credible scientific evidence to support the theory of evolution, let alone theistic evolution, to the prolific writings of Dr. Ken Ham, Dr. Henry M. Morris, Dr. Duane Gish and many other great writers.
Suffice it to say, there is clear and undeniable evidence that proclaims a young earth; while there is absolutely no evidence of an ancient evolving earth or of a self-generating evolution of life.
What are the dangers of this new theological cocktail to the Christian faith?
While they are many, we will look at just a couple.
3 Reasons to Believe God Created the World in Six Days
1. The Hebrew word for day, yom, has several meanings depending upon the context in which it is used.
When combined with the phrase, “the evening and morning” as it is in Genesis chapter one, yom always refers to a literal twenty-four hour day; one full revolution of the earth around the sun.
The alteration of yom from a literal twenty-four hour day to eras of time is not only a distortion of the ancient meaning of this Hebrew word; it is the worst form of biblical revisionism.
2. Distortion of the Genesis account of creation is the foundation for the deconstruction of the inerrancy of the Word of God.
The accurate record of creation is the foundation stone for the true identity of Jesus Christ and the redemption of mankind.
Embracing the belief of an ancient earth and the human race evolving over millennia of time distorts the account of mankind’s fall into sinfulness, the entrance of death, and God’s covenant promise of “the seed of woman.”
It further distorts the Genesis account of the flood, the redemption of Noah and his family and the covenant of the rainbow.
It is no surprise the LGBTQ community has distorted the symbolism of the rainbow from God’s redemptive covenant with the human race to the overt celebration of that which God calls an abomination.
3. The theory of an ancient earth and of a millennial evolution deconstructs mankind from being created in the image of Almighty God and divinely appointed as the steward having authority and dominion over all that God created.
Human beings are reduced to being creatures that have best survived the struggle of evolution.
They have no divine worth and value that makes them unique from other forms of life. Abortion, infanticide, medical assisted suicide, genetic research, and the development trans-humans are justified.
Creation in six literal twenty-four hour days is the divine biblical account and it must not be distorted or revised by modern day higher critics and the syncretism of the Holy Scripture with contemporary atheistic science.
Almighty God chose of His sovereign will to take a planet in this solar system and shape it uniquely from all other planets in the solar system and from the plethora of stars in all the universes of His creation.
This planet would be designed specifically to support and sustain a new species of being God was preparing to create.
This new life form would be made in His image and would be crowned with glory and honor, even above the arc-angels.
The new form of life would be created as man and a woman with the ability to procreate and fill the earth with their likeness.
They would be created with a physical body in which God’s own spirit would dwell. God would impart to them a measure of His authority and power so they could rule and reign as stewards of all His creation.
God left nothing that was not placed under their authority and dominion.
Psalm 33:6-9 makes it very clear when the record of creation, as recorded in Genesis, is fully embraced it will bring the fear of the Lord to the heart of the believer.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (NKJV).
When revisionists and historical critics change the record from six literal twenty-four hour days to six eras over millennia of time, the awesome greatness of our God is replaced by a nondescript big bang and a self-generating amoeba evolving into human life form.
Such biblical rewrite totally removes the awe factor and glory of Almighty God and nullifies the fear of the Lord.
Is it any wonder this generation of the Church has little fear of the Lord and His majestic holiness?
Replacing six literal twenty-four hour days of creation with millions of years of evolutionary process distorts the entire story of the human fall into sin with its tragic consequence and God’s redemptive plan.
The rewritten story does not have human beings suddenly appear on the earth in the full image of God; living in unrestrained fellowship with Him; having a perfect relationship with their environment; a perfect relationship with the animal kingdom; a perfect relationship with other human beings; and serving as stewards of God’s perfect creation.
Instead mankind evolves through a series of developments from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens.
Embracing this concept strips human beings from being “fearfully and wonderfully made” through divine creation and reduces them to chance mutation and survival of the fittest.
Instead of being made in the image of God mankind is a primate evolved in the image of his “great ape” ancestors.
It removes the love story of Almighty God for His sons and daughters created in His image. It purges the necessity of redeeming the fallen sons and daughters of God and reduces the story to an allegory and an ancient religious story that has been passed down from generation to generation.
We must not allow the spirit of darkness to distort the truth of the beautiful Genesis account of creation and God’s love story for mankind.
It is foundational to every major doctrine of the Christian faith.
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