3 Ways to Add Value to Your Life
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People today spend so much money to add value to their life, never knowing that the real way we add value to our life doesn’t require money…but character.
Do you remember the old bumper sticker, “He who dies with the most toys wins?” The real truth is that he who dies with the most toys, just dies.
“It matters so little how much you may own; the places you been or the people you known. It all comes to nothing, when placed at His feet; they’re nothin’ to Jesus, just memories to keep” .
(lyrics by Lanny Wolfe)
Value added living does not consist of Mercedes, Monarch motorhomes, private airplanes and large bank accounts.
I realize you know that and I maybe preaching to the choir.
However, before you move on, there is a significant principle that is often overlooked or missed entirely.
It is a teaching Jesus gave in Luke 16:10-12.
Jesus said, “He that is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much… The one who is trustworthy in handling worldly wealth will be trusted with true riches… The one who is faithful in handling someone else’s property will receive property of their own” [my paraphrase].
Now that is value added living.
Everyone can increase the value of their life in three simple, yet not so easy, steps.
When these steps are followed, your life will be filled with purpose and depression is driven out the door.
3 Ways to Add Value to Your Life
1. Learn the great value in being faithful – consistently faithful – in doing the very little things.
Read your Bible and pray every day. Consistently participate in Sunday worship; Bible studies and Christian fellowship. Keep the car washed and vacuumed regularly.
Spend time giving your wife (or hubby) and your children undivided attention, quality conversation and personal time without the television, cell phone or iPad.
Renew a long-time friendship and stay closer in touch (coffee with a best friend is a little heaven on earth). When you are faithful in the very little things, you will receive larger things.
2. Develop the skill of handling worldly riches God’s way.
Consistently pay your tithe each month. Learn the joy of working and working hard; develop craftsmanship not just “going to work.” Develop a quality work ethic that gives your employer a day’s work for a day’s pay.
Get out of debt.
Study the Scriptures and learn well the principles and precepts of finance and develop in your life the reality “God is your resource.” When you are trustworthy in handling worldly riches you will receive the true riches of the Kingdom of God.
3. Be a trustworthy person.
Loyalty, humility, fear of the Lord, trustworthy and dependability are the character qualities that will make one rich. When you are trustworthy, your wife (or hubby) and your children can give you their whole heart.
When you are trustworthy, your employer can count on you and trust you with greater responsibility.
When you are trustworthy, you will seek to make your supervisor, your general manager and your owner successful. God promises you will receive your own.
Value added living is the only way to live.
It makes every day worth living and when you come to the end of life’s journey you look back with joy and satisfaction not regret and despair.
More articles about Human Value and the Sanctity of Human Life: