3 Ways the Church Can Protect God’s Design for Marriage
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The triune council of God brought forth an astounding decision.
“We will create a new species and call them mankind. We will make them in our own likeness and delegate to them authority to be stewards over all that we create.
We will give them ability to populate the earth with their kind and to live bountiful lives. We will give them power to confront and defeat the enemies of our kingdom.”
The Psalmist described the significance of this amazing decision.
“What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen — Even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas” (Psalm 8:4-8 NKJV).
God created mankind male and female with the capacity to procreate; whereby mankind would be able to populate planet earth with a godly race of people who would steward life on the earth from generation to generation.
The triune council prescribed a divine order for maintaining human relationships in a healthy and godly manner.
A covenant of marriage was established by the Divine, whereby a man and a woman would unite in a life-long relationship; committing themselves to being a one-woman man and a one-man woman for a lifetime.
The marriage covenant provided the core unit of society, called family. The family would be the foundation upon which all society and culture would be established.
Children would be born, disciplined and trained to live godly responsible lives through the family.
Moral training, character development and the shaping of a godly worldview would take place within the frame work of the family.
The core values of a healthy godly society would be formed in the hearts of the children through the relationships of the family unit.
All sexual activity was to be within the context of the marriage covenant only.
- This would prevent the distortion of the family unit by children being born outside of the marriage covenant.
- This boundary would also prevent the development and the spread of disease and infections arising from sexual activity with strange partners.
Earnestly guarding the marriage covenant and intentionally raising a godly offspring would prevent the exploitation of children and the defilement of women.
The enemy of God quickly discerned the power and majesty of the marriage covenant. His kingdom would never be able to stand against the mighty force of a godly family. He must destroy the marriage covenant and distort the family unit.
The Prince of Darkness developed three powerful weapons that would breakdown the marriage covenant and distort the family unit.
The first weapon was designed for the arousal of men to lust after women who were not their wives and to arouse women to lust after men who were not their husbands by covenant.
The second weapon was developed to defile the innocent and turn the hearts of children away from the pure and holy life.
The third weapon was designed to distort the marriage covenant by stirring the passions of men and women from the natural physical relationship designed by God. Men would lust after men and women would lust after women.
The powers of darkness first used these weapons effectively on the generation of Noah. They have perfected their use from generation to generation.
They will use them most powerfully in the last days when, “as it was in the days of Noah,” Lucifer will deceive and seek to destroy all the righteous from the earth.
The church must be a prophetic voice to this generation of the grave dangers to mankind when the enemy is allowed to distort God’s design of the marriage covenant and the family unit; one man with one woman for a lifetime.
The church is the last great defense against the distortion of the marriage covenant. We must earnestly contend for the power and might of the godly family.
3 Ways the Church Can Protect God’s Design for Marriage
1. We must train our sons and daughters to love God’s original design for the man and the woman.
2. We must set their heart to cherish the purity of the marriage covenant and the sacred honor of presenting yourself holy and chaste to your marriage partner.
3. We must teach the priceless treasure of the vows in the marriage covenant and the joy being a one-woman man and a one-man woman.
Read the rest of this series here:
3 Ways the Church Protects Marriage
1 Thing That Will Destroy This Generation
What Happens When a Culture Gives In to Distortion
Discovering True Identity: A Believer’s Position in Christ (Freedom Series) (Volume 1)Agape: Unveiling the Mask of Darkness, Setting the Captives Free (Freedom Series) (Volume 2)
Charis: The Power of Grace (The Freedom Series Book 3)
Discovering Jesus: A Discipleship Manual (Discipleship Series) (Volume 1)
The Joy of Becoming Like Jesus: A Discipleship Manual – Discipleship 101 (Discipleship Series) (Volume 2)
Becoming Ambassadors for Christ: A Discipleship Manual – Discipleship 102 (Discipleship Series) (Volume 3)