How Big Is God?
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Stuart Hamblen wrote, “How big is God? How big and wide His vast domain? To try to tell, these lips can only start.”
He wrote the song for George Beverly Shea to sing after coming to Christ at the 1949 Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles.

Years later Phil Vischer wrote, “God is bigger than the boogie man. He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV.”
Bob and Larry, of Veggie Tales, sing the words to help children conquer fear.
How do you conquer fear?
The children of Israel were trapped between the sight of the approaching Egyptian forces in their chariots and the Red Sea.
Terror was gripping their hearts.
Moses knew God was big enough to open the sea for His people to cross safely and escape the destruction of the Egyptian army.
Day after day, the army of Israel was hiding in fear from the Philistine giant, Goliath.
A teenage shepherd knew his God was big enough to deal with the nine-foot-tall soldier.
Three Hebrew men would not participate in the worship of a false god.
They were living in a culture of idolatry, child sacrifice, and immorality.
They refused to be influenced by the culture around them and stood alone facing the wrath of a sovereign king who demanded they embrace the pagan worship.
When he commanded them to bow down and worship the golden idol or be thrown into a furnace heated seven time hotter, they answered him with great confidence.
“We have no need to answer you in this matter If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand O king. But if not, let it be known to you O king, that we do not serve your gods nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up”
Daniel 3:16-18 NKJV
These three Hebrew men refused to be influenced by the pagan culture around them and they would not be intimidated by the bluster and threats of a powerful sovereign king.
They had total confidence and trust in the Sovereign King that had all authority and power; the King who created all things and by whom all things are held together.
They knew and trusted He would be their protector and their provider.
Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ must not be influenced by a politically correct, cancel culture that calls evil good and good evil.
We must be influencers into that culture.
We must boldly stand against governors and political systems that would seek to adjust the values, morals, and world view of the disciple of Jesus to that of a pagan anti-Christ culture.
We must not compromise or be intimidated by the threats and actions taken to silence our voice and influence.
How big is your God?
Does He have the power to protect and heal your body if the Covid-19 virus comes into your home?
Are you aware the statistics consistently document .02% of those infected may die from the virus?
Do you stand in fear of this pagan “cancel culture?”
Are you compromising your faith, your moral stance on same-sex relationships, biblical marriage relationships, and abortion?
Has your voice gone silent in a pluralistic culture that proclaims Jesus is one many gods?
Everyone of your co-workers and the people you see in the store who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ are going to hell.
Buddha, Mohammed, a spirit guide, or reincarnation will not lead them to salvation and eternal life.
“There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
How big is your God?
The Lord Jesus Christ will part the Red Sea of your doubts and fears and deliver you from the enemy. He will defeat the giant of this pagan culture.
He will keep you and walk with you in the fiery furnace of this politically correct system. He will deliver you out of the judgment and hands of the enemy of your soul and give you eternal life?
The Lord Jesus Christ is the one before whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess, “He is Lord!”