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According to, Evangelicals make up 28% of the voting population. That number is larger “than the African American, Hispanic, and union vote combined.“
Over the last twenty years Evangelical voters made up an average of 25.4% of the electorate.
The downside to this is 30% of the Evangelical community are not registered to vote and of those who are registered, 40% of them don’t even go to the polls.[1]
Why is that?
Why is the Christian community so reticent to fulfill such a great responsibility?

According to the National Association of Evangelicals, “The vast majority of evangelical leaders (98 percent) say that pastors should not endorse politicians from the pulpit, according to the May/June 2024 Evangelical Leaders Survey.”[2]
Here are some of the reasons I have heard for Christians not being involved; and pastors so unwilling to address the issues from the pulpit.
- “Religion and politics don’t mix.”
- “The pulpit shouldn’t be used to promote politics. It is for preaching the Gospel.”
- “I don’t think my vote counts.”
- “I can’t support any candidate that talks so bombastic and vulgar; that has been so immoral and acts the way he does.”
- “Its just a choice between two evils.”
- “I will drive a good portion of my congregation away.”
It seems many disciples of Jesus Christ fail to ask what responsibility does a disciple have in this situation?
Our Founding Fathers believed it to be a grave responsibility and their Christian duty.
The pastors believed it to be their God-given responsibility to inform their congregation about the candidates and their moral stance. After all, voting is biblical.
- Proverbs 18:18 – “Casting lots causes contentions to cease and keeps the mighty apart” (NKJV).
- Proverbs 16:33 – “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (NKJV).
- Acts 1:23-26 – “And they proposed two: Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed and said, “You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” And they cast their lots and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles” (NKJV).
A disciple of Jesus Christ has a clear and important responsibility in choosing the leaders of our nation, their state, county, and city.
God desires leaders who love truth, justice, and righteousness.
Certainly not all candidates for city council, mayor, county commissioner, state senate or legislature, congress, senate, or president will be born again believers or even God fearing.
How much do they love truth, justice, and righteousness?
Every disciple of Jesus Christ has the God-given responsibility to know what is the candidate’s position on the life of the pre-born, the aged, and the infirmed.
Where do they stand on the LGBTQ+ agenda and child-transition therapy?
What is their position on Globalism and the sovereignty of the USA?
What is their history of supporting or not supporting the Christian community?
Each of these are biblical moral issues, not political issues. It must be more than their political rhetoric.
Look at the record of their political and voting history.
How have their speeches in the house supported or not supported each of these moral issues?
How did they vote on each of these issues?
A Christian must look past the persona and personality of the individual and focus upon the candidate’s support or nonsupport of the biblical moral values.
The candidate may not be a strong disciple of Jesus Christ and may not be a regular attender of a Gospel church or any church.
If they stand for the life of the pre-born, and do not support or encourage the LGBTQ+ agenda; if they love the USA and resist the globalist agenda, that is the candidate for which a disciple of Jesus Christ must vote.
That is a biblical vote.
It is a sin to vote for a candidate because of their race, skin color, or gender while ignoring the undeniable fact they are pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, globalist, and pro-communist.
That is a vote that is unbiblical and anti-Christ.
Yet, many Christians are doing just that because they are emotionally against the other candidate.
Please, earnestly pray, study the Scriptures and vote biblically.
If you have not yet registered to vote, do so today!
If you are registered, exercise your God-given responsibility and go to the polls or mail the ballot.
Vote Your Bible!!