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  1. Dean, I really appreciate the perspective that looks at the things of God (not the things of man). It’s so easy to get caught up in the flashiness and fanfare of the day. Jesus, however, focused on the heart. It wasn’t about the building or the trappings that came with it. I love the simplicity of that. Thanks for calling us back to the basics.
    Wishing you many blessings!

  2. Dean, what an excellent definition of a win! I would add that Jesus also talked about a win being as simple as someone giving a cup of cool, refreshing water, in His name. Christs wording was a little different. Although He didn’t specifically use the word “win,” this is certainly implied.

    I’m learning to view being an encouragement one exhausted, overwhelmed, or frustrated person, as a win. Thank you for the reminder of the things that really matter.

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