Which Jesus Do You Worship?
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It was the Sunday before Christmas. My wife and I were visiting a church for the first time. The children had put on a cute pageant and several traditional carols were sung.
The pastor spoke a simple message of Christ’s birth then closed by giving an invitation to receive Jesus. “If you would like to receive baby Jesus in your heart today…”
My attention was captured. “Receive baby Jesus into my heart…” Is that why I came here today to worship baby Jesus?
I am reminded of John the Baptist.
He had baptized Jesus. One day he saw Jesus walking towards him and declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.” Yet, near the end of his life he sent two of his disciples to Jesus and asked, “Are You the Coming One or do we look for another” (Matthew 11:3 NKJV).
Jesus warned there would come a day when many false Christ’s would be in the world deceiving the masses.
There is the man from South America, living in Florida, who claims to be Jesus who has come back. He teaches the Bible is not the infallible Word of God and there are no moral absolutes. He says that God wants you happy so indulge.
There is a famous television pastor who preaches Jesus wants you happy and living the good life, so invite Him into your life.
There is the Mormon Jesus who is brother to Lucifer.
There is the New Age Jesus who is a good man and one of the Wise Ones.
“Receive baby Jesus into your heart.” Did I really come that morning to worship baby Jesus? I did not!
I came to worship Jesus Christ who is born of the Virgin Mary, Yes. “He grew in stature, strong in spirit, filled with wisdom… and in favor with God and with man.” (Luke 2:40, 52).
He was crucified, buried and rose the third day. “In Him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power” (Colossians 2:9-10).
I do not worship Jesus who is merely a good teacher; a good man; a religious reformer. I worship Jesus Christ who is eternally God; who became a man to redeem mankind from sin and death and the power of darkness.
I worship Jesus who created all things, including me. He has authority over all things, including me. I worship Jesus who is holy God, righteous and just.
My self-willed, stubborn, and rebellious heart is an offense to Him.
My sinful behavior separates me from Him. “He commands all men everywhere to repent.”
He did not ask me to merely invite Him into my heart. He commanded me to confess (admit to Him) my behavior is wrong and offensive Him and to renounce it; turn from it and turn to Him.
He commanded me to ask Him to wash my heart in His blood so it would be pure and clean from the selfish and sinful life I had been living. Then, and only then, invite Him to come live in my heart and to become Master of my life.
That is the Jesus I came to worship that Sunday morning.
That is the Jesus I worship daily and delight to serve. Yes, He does give me a good life. He has my best at His heart. He has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places.
He fills my life with love, joy and peace. All of this and more, He delights to give me. Only because, I have acknowledged and live with the full realization, He is Almighty God.
He is Sovereign Lord to be worshiped and adored with all of my heart, soul and mind.
Which Jesus are you worshiping?
salvation is matter of faith in Christ Jesus. just believe in gospel of Christ Jesus which is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4(Death, burial, resurrection and him being seated at the right hand of God), with all hour heart and confess him with your mouth
I love your post about Which Jesus do you worship??. This question has been a frequent question in my mind. But some church are engaged to preach a Jesus out of His glory and majesty. Thanks. I will read your whole web page.
How does one truly know that they’ve been born again? I have prayed about it several times over the past 45 since I first heard the gospel at age 15, but I struggle with following through. I stumble, I fall ,I have made serious mistakes. My children don’t follow God at all. I know I love God, believe that He can save, read the Bible and pray, not always consistently, but still feel disconnected much of the time, like I’m not worthy, not worth being a part.. I have suffered much rejection in my life. With my health problems, I do not expect to live many more years. I don’t know whether to keep striving or just give up. Any suggestions or clarity in my situation? Thank you.
Elizabeth, the following are answers that may help you. Keep reading and studying God’s Word, the Bible. the answers you seek are there.
1 John 5:13 – These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
I literally laughed out loud when I read the part about asking baby Jesus in our hearts. I’m sure (hope) the pastor just wasn’t thinking. Great post. Loved it.
Yes, I hope so too. It does sound quite ludicrous, doesn’t it?
Dean, I just can’t believe a pastor would say anything about asking “baby Jesus into your heart”! That even sounds strange. We must be so careful about which Jesus we follow…the true one or one of the false ones.
Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.
It is puzzling, isn’t it?
I found you at Homemakers. I agree. My posts this week have been about Being His, Giving Everything, and worship.
You are welcome to link up at Word of God Speak (starts each weekend and runs for 5 days or more).