3 Powerful Statements About the Child of God
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There are 3 significant things that every child of God needs to know. These three truths radically change how they identify as a child of God and relate to their new life in Christ.
The zenith of all creation was made when God created Adam and Eve in His own image.
He delegated to them the capacity and the authority to fill the earth with a new species of being; sons and daughters of God made in His image and possessing the authority and power to be stewards over all of His creation.
Then, the unthinkable happened.
Adam and Eve committed high treason with the Serpent, forfeiting the authority delegated to them; giving it into the hands of the ruler of the darkness of this world. The magnitude of the loss experienced in that act of sin is revealed in a statement Lucifer made to Jesus Christ.
The devil possessed the authority to make Jesus the head of all the kingdoms on planet earth because that authority had been given over to him by Adam and Eve.
God promised the day would come when that authority would be given back to the rightful owner
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15 NKJV)
The authority of stewardship for all of creation had been given by covenant to the human race.
Through an act of high treason that authority had been transferred to Lucifer. Recovery of that authority must come through an act of righteousness by a perfect man restoring the covenant that had been broken. God entered the world in the person of Jesus Christ.
The writer of Hebrews describes what took place.
Jesus Christ, and perfect man made the sacrifice that redeems mankind from the slave market of sin.
3 Powerful Statements About the Child of God
1. Redeemed men and women are restored to their original position as stewards of all God’s creation.
2. Redeemed men and women are born again; forgiven of their sin and God remembers it no more; justified – just-as-if-they-had-never-sinned; sanctified – declared holy and made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sealed by the Holy Spirit as covenant sons and daughters; made heirs of all of God’s creation; seated with Christ in Heavenly places; made kings and priests unto God.
3. From this position, redeemed sons and daughters of God are restored to their rightful position as stewards of all God’s creation. They are given authority to subdue and take dominion.
They are given authority over all the enemies of God to plunder hell and to populate heaven.
This is What Happens When a Christian Loses Their Identity in Christ
3 Powerful Statements About the Child of God
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Thats an energetic one. But the confusion i have is, if we’re restored to our original state (the state before sin had entered) why we have to face death? As we know, death is the consequence of sin.
This is a very good question. Scripture clearly states that we do not die. Our body perishes, but our spirit lives for eternity. After sin entered the world, and before Christ restored us to our original state, mankind died both physically and spiritually.