Why Christians Today Look So Much Like the World
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The first and greatest command of Scripture is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Yet, the word love has, in many ways, lost depth.
We don’t (or shouldn’t) love our wives the same way we love our Ford pickup, and we shouldn’t love God the way we love football.
The question is, how can love truly love the Lord with all our heart in a day when that expression is overused and tired?
Jesus was in conversation with a spiritual leader of Israel explaining the concept of being born again.
The spiritual leader understood keeping a set of rules; obeying the law; and religious behavior. He just was not understanding that receiving a new heart and a new life comes through spiritual new birth.
Jesus explained new birth is a miracle that happens in the heart of a person by the renewing of the Holy Spirit.
Just as the when the natural wind blows and one see the effects of the wind but you don’t see the wind. You can see the transformation in the life of a person but you don’t see Holy Spirit.
When one claims new birth without life transformation something is amiss.
Why Christians Today Look So Much Like the World
Cultural norms of the world and behavior patterns of the sinner have no place among those who claim to be born again.
The Apostle Paul declared, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
The born again child of God does not allow the trends, fashions and cultural norms of the world to dictate their life style.
They have allowed the Word of God: the precepts, principles and law of God, to shape their philosophy, thought patterns and world view.
The true disciple of Jesus Christ is very purposeful and intentional about their behavior patterns being shaped into the image of their Lord and Master.
- They seek to be holy as He is holy.
- They seek to be loving as He is loving.
- They seek to be gracious as He is gracious.
It is not a matter of being legalistic.
It is matter of loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength. Because I love God with my whole being, I want to please Him and be like Him.
When believers say they can participate in behaviors the Scriptures call sin you know they are not being led by the Holy Spirit.
When church leaders declare the wind of the Holy Spirit instructed them to accept and embrace those things the Word of God calls an abomination, you know it was not the Holy Spirit leading them.
I get it, now!
The reason so many believers today look so much like the world is because they are still in their old mind and living by their old spirit.
Read more of my articles on renewing the mind:
The Power of a Renewed Mind
4 Powerful Ways a Renewed Mind Can Change Your Life
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 27 – How to Live in the Victory of a Renewed Mind
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 28 – The Key to Living the Blessed Life
What Does the Bible Say About Renewing the Mind?
Two Ways Jesus’ Sacrifice Brought Emotional Healing
Why Christians Today Look So Much Like the World
4 Ways We Live Life as a New Creation
2 Ways Strongholds Prevent Renewing the Mind
2 Steps to Renewing Your Mind
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 38 – This is How God Makes All Things New In You
I also wrote something similar to this. You may take a look too Pastor. 🙂
Thank you very much!