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  1. I don’t have a link up list and I haven’t been active on my own little blog in an embarrassingly long time, but I LOVED THIS! I know that once a person just commits to the development of reading the Bible, it becomes such a necessary part of the day, that NOT doing it causes the entire day to feel… Sideways.
    I also love to write and have tons of notebooks from journaling most of my life. It runs in my family, though. My Daddy wrote gospel music for most all his life. Here could be at someone’s house and hear something said that sparked his talent, flip over an old grocery receipt and write out most of the song right there. He wrote the song “Teardrops” that a group called Tony Gore and the Majesty sing. They did a great job and didn’t change or alter it in any way, but I heard Daddy sing it first, so everything else sounded poor in comparison. He passed away in ’09 and I still miss him every time I breathe. Every page of my Bible reminds me of a lesson he taught me or a song he sang. Or even research projects we would work on way late at night, just Jesus, Daddy, and me.
    Adding memories to your Bible time can make it feel more like your spending time with family, I love that part.
    Could you suggest some resources to help me with studying spiritual warfare? I’m having a hard time right now and I’m pretty sure if my family isn’t in some sort of battle, we are definitely about to be.

  2. Hello I loved your post! I’ve been meaning to begin studying my Bible more thoroughly but have had trouble with the “studying” part. I loved the tips though and will be using them from now on! I dropped on over from the Mom 2 Mom link up party.

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