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  1. Sir,
    This is my first “stop” at your space here… and normally, I don’t have much time to read these days, writing myself, studying the Word, raising 6 leaders for the next generation and supporting my husband as he pursues God’s call on His life {running a business}… BUT I was so blessed by your thoughtful but concise examination of these recent leaders’ falls to sin. Yes, obviously accountability is the main thing that could have prevented these men from continuing in such a lifestyle of sin that the weed wasn’t “pulled” out when it was small. I am most concerned with how social media has created an even more intense, ever growing monster {arrogance & pride}. Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts. I will gladly share it on social media sir.

    1. You are very right. Social media has fed the growing narcissism that we have seen emerge in recent years. This is very dangerous and disturbing, as it proves to be a greater threat to work of the Kingdom if not utilized properly.

  2. It’s important to stay accountable — even if you aren’t a pastor. Your post reminds me of that Scripture in I Corinthians 10 that reads “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.”

    Thanks for linking up at Thought-Provoking Thursday! 🙂

    1. Lyli – Yes it is! So very important. The moment we believe we do not need to be accountable is the moment we take the first step toward destruction. That scripture you shared confirms that. Thank you for stopping by and letting us link up with you each week. -Dean

  3. I needed this post today. Thank you so much Ros for sharing it with me. It is so very important to always remember that it isn’t today that matters, we need to focus on the mark set before us! In the end it will be worth it all!

      1. You’re very welcome! Thank you for being will to stand up for things that are so important, but often not discussed. May God’s blessings be on you and yours!

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