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  1. Jesus IS the wine. Stop misusing scripture inappropriately. Turning water into wine was not approval but the power of Jesus, and the wine represents the goodness of God. Like many do in articles like this and teaching is using The Word to justify fleshly desires. How can a Christian drink, looking like the unsaved, doing the same sin they’re doing, engaging in a lifestyle as a unbeliever than try use scripture to support your sin? You’re just as much a hypocrite as the unsaved would be trying to justify their sins. Mark 2:22 Jesus uses wine as a metaphor; of new wine & old skins to illustrate why He doesn’t lead His disciples to follow the religion of the Pharisees, specifically in fasting. “Old wineskins” like the Pharisees rules were brittle & inflexible. When filled with “new wine” the skins break apart,& the wine is wasted. The same as freedom of a grace filled life can’t fit in the rules of the Pharisees that they would impose on their followers.(Gal.5:1) Pharisees believed in obeying cause a command was given BUT without sacrifice in which there is no honor. In Christ as a born again believer, God will change our hearts to want to do His will/wants.(Phil. 2:13) That’s our love to God.(1John 5:3)(Titus 1:2) God cannot lie. Proverbs 20:1 WINE is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby IS NOT WISE.

  2. Lord Jesus did drink wine as the fruit of the Vine is the custom of Israel to make wine. So drink in moderation and do not get drunk. Did Judas betrayed Lord Jesus Christ because of wine? No! So do not blame on wine when vineyards are common to make wine in Israel. He says of old and new wineskins indicating wine is common in Israel. Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. (Matthew 26:27)
    This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:28)
    I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Matthew 26:29)

  3. I have a question. Is the wine taken during Jesus’ time same as: wine that Noah made, got drug and led him to curse Ham and is it still the same wine that Lot’s daughters gave him and sinned by sleeping with their father?

  4. John Padberg,

    Thank you for your response. I have also thought about this topic. I have some experience with the problems that come from drinking, both with myself and with my fellow christians. The people I live with think that Jesus and the apostles drank real wine and they themselves have shown some real godlessness in doing so. Me too, in my own way although differently. Its hard to say and be sure of what they meant with wine in those days because the word apparently can mean different things.

    What I´ve been thinking about is the word that Jesus said about cutting off your arm if it´s tempting you to sin. -That it´s better to walk into the Kingdom of Heaven without an arm than to burn in hell forver. I think this could be the right approach to wine drinking.

    Best regards

    Björn Larsen

  5. Hello,
    I’ve just just read your treatise on drinking wine (I assume you mean any alcohol) and I’m sorry but although your article well researched it still seemed to say that it’s up to the individual to determine whether or not our Lord Jesus Christ meant straight grape juice or the juice of the fermented grape or both when he referred to drinking wine.
    So with that I’ll stick with my old fall backs of do all things in moderation and to do nothing that would hurt others.
    Both of which are not easy to do.

    Thank for your article and your time and may God Bless you and yours.

    John Padberg

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