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  1. Very encouraging post! You are right about being a parent keeping us on our knees! God is our only true wisdom! Praise Him that we can approach His throne of grace with boldness!

  2. I love these tips, especially the first one. Hindsight does indeed magnify our errors. Thanks for sharing this with Grace and Truth!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I use to think about all the things I did wrong as a mom, but then I realized that no matter how hard I try, I’m going to fail so I might as well enjoy my time in the here and now with my family.

    I found your post at A Little R&R linky party.

    1. Yes – no matter how hard we try, we will fail. Every parent is flawed, and so it is only logical that our parenting is also flawed. This is why forgiveness is so crucial!

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