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  1. I have been thinking about this a lot lately… even beyond adults and on to our children. It’s sad really, but even when trying to find clothes for my almost 4 year old girl, so much of it is too tight or “adult” looking. I have buying things about 4 sizes larger just so it isn’t too tight and adjusting the length. Sadly, even at four sizes larger most of it still looks fitted. Thank you for this timely reminder. I’m visiting today from Grace & Truth.

  2. Thank you for your wise words today. Our son just started middle school and our heart is to teach him to siphon all things through God’s word and to engage that wisdom everyday. I’m going to go back and read the rest of the series! Happy to be here from the #RaRalinkup

  3. Thanks for sharing your post today on Women Helping Women.

    I do think we have to teach our children to be wise and to be observant. They are growing up in such a challenging time.

    Hope you have a blessed day today~

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