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  1. It sounds like to me the only person that is offended is you. God loves ALL his children no one is without sin so therefore if YOU are allowed to go in Gods house and worship so should others facing trials in their life. You nor anyone else is greater than anyone. As long as addicts, drunkards, thieves, divorced individuals, greedy, self loving, vain, etc. are allowed to enter the churches doors then I do believe anyone else that might be struggling with a battle that you do not understand should be as well. God is LOVE always has been always will be. Your post describes your feelings not Gods. The (building) Church is only a building with people just like you and me meant for people to come together and give support and love since we all do face battles daily. That is what God wants! The body of Christ is the Church and he welcomes EVERYONE! AMEN!

    1. You are correct in the fact that we do all face battles. God fights those battles for His children who make the decision to surrender to Him and His ways. But there is a huge difference between a battle due to the fact that we live in a fallen world and a deliberate voluntary choice we make to accommodate our flesh which brings with it judgement.

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