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  1. Agree, agree, agree! it amazes me how I’ve been suckered up in the different ungodly movements of this US dark church era, but now I’m not satisfied with the comfortable ways of having church. I have been wanting more of God. Yes, the Holy Spirit has been shunned by the church & she is paying dearly for it in her behavior, compromise & sleepiness. Thank you so much for writing this article. Thank you for explaining what has been going on and what to do about it for the church (each of us who are redeemed) as well as the Body as a whole.
    I am ready to go to battle in prayer His Bride. Thank you again. This is sparking a flame in my life as I desire to please my Saviour more.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Judy. I am encouraged to hear of the wonderful work God is doing in your life and of your passion to seek Him!

  2. Right on.

    When the church became anti-christ (against the anointing), it opened the door for the nation to shift into the same mindset. The good news is, there is a powerful move of God happening where many people are getting saved, healed, and delivered across this nation!

    God’s glory is returning to his temple, and the kingdom is advancing with force.

  3. This is a very true message for the churches in America. It’s time to wakeup, repent from these false teachings and run away from these false prosperity preachers. It’s time for a true revival, of people truly seeking The Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for writing this article.

  4. Truth, uncomfortable truth. We, the Church, have much soul searching to do. Glad I stopped over from Purposeful Faith. Continued blessings on your ministry.

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