The One Thing Guaranteed to Change Your Life Forever
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It might be a little challenging for us to imagine what his life was like.
All of the relationships that had once meant so much to him were now distant. The career he had enjoyed and that was so fulfilling was gone.
He was not allowed to call on his close friends or relatives for assistance. All of his financial resources were drained.

Every day was lived out just trying to survive. Each new day another measure of his life was draining out of him like coffee dripping from a leaky cup.
His fingers and toes were getting shorter with each day. A portion of his noise and his ears were gone. The dreaded disease was literally eating his life away.
He heard about a new prophet that was taking the region by storm. He preached God is loving and merciful. He heard stories of the prophet performing the most amazing miracles and healings.
“Maybe if I could get to him,” he thought.
“No,” he reasoned, “I could never approach the crowds. They would run from me and he would never want me near him.”
Day after day the thought of this prophet and his miracles filled him until it became consuming.
“My only hope is to get to this man. I must get to this man. My life is draining from me. He is the only hope.” The thoughts drove him from his isolated dwelling to the place he heard the crowds were gathering.
He saw the man coming down the hill towards Capernaum.
In desperation, he ran to the prophet, throwing all custom and propriety aside. He fell on his face and cried out, “Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean.”
To his utter astonishment, the prophet reached out his hand and touched him.
No one had dared touched him.
The feel of another human hand was…
But as that thought was coursing through his mind, he heard the amazing words, “I am willing, be clean.” Just that quickly his fingers were restored his noise and ears were restored and all leprosy left his body.
He was completely whole.
It was beyond his imagination, unbelievable. Then he heard the prophet instruct him, “Tell no one. Go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift required by the Law of Moses. Let it be a testimony to them.”
Jesus touched the untouchable. Jesus was willing to cleanse and to heal that which mankind had no cure.
Jesus has not changed in two thousand years.
He is still touching the untouchable.
He is still cleansing precious lives that have been defiled, pushed aside and abandoned.
He is still healing the broken which mankind cannot cure.
The coming of Jesus Christ to earth is all about God saying to you, “I am willing.”
He is willing to come into your life and fill your heart with authentic love.
He is willing to come to you when others have cast you aside and abandoned you and He will touch you with His gentle hand, giving affirmation and comfort.
He is willing to heal your deepest wounds and restore hope, trust, and give you a future worth living.
He makes all things new.
It is absolutely true, “Old things are passed away and behold all things are become new; and all things are of God” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
The dark days of hopelessness and loneliness are turned into the light of His love and fellowship with Him.
The key to this man’s healing was, he came to Jesus. He did not wait for someone to carry him there – that wasn’t even possible.
He didn’t wait for God to send Jesus to him. He took the initiative and the step of faith. He got up and made his way to Jesus.
It is time for you to take that step.
Do not live one more day broken and feeling defiled. Refuse to spend one more hour in loneliness and hopelessness. It is time for you to make you way to Jesus.
Come on, take the step of faith that He will respond to you with love, kindness, and a gentle touch of grace and healing.
The depth and the beauty of Jesus’ words, “I am willing.”
They are truly life changing.
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