How to Fight For Your Freedom
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My father joined the US Navy right out of high school to fight freedom.
His nation needed him.
He fought at Guadalcanal and at Leyte. His gun turret took a direct hit during the battle at Leyte, killing his partner and severely wounding my dad.
One of my uncles landed with McArthur in the Philippines and fought across the islands. Another uncle heard the call of his nation in 1964.
He joined the US Army and became a Green Beret. He won a Silver Star and a Bronze Star with Oak Leaf in Vietnam.
So when I received a call from my nation in October 1967 to fight for freedom, I joined the United States Air Force.
I never served in combat, although I asked three times to be sent to Vietnam.
I would gladly serve my country yet again and fight for her freedom.
I believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that guarantee the freedom of all citizens regardless of race, color, creed or gender.
I believe in the free enterprise system that has made the USA the greatest and most prosperous nation in the history of mankind.
When our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001, I was prepared to defend our nation yet again. I am still prepared to do so.
How do you fight against tyranny from within?
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are under siege; not from a terrorist bomb, a missile or an enemy army.
It is from within the ranks of our own people.
How do you fight against your own leaders who are blatantly establishing regulations and laws that limit the rights of free speech; violate the checks and balances of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government; the guarantee of due process and search and seizure; freedom to hold a Bible study in your own home?
Our children and grandchildren cannot sing Christmas carols, wear Christian symbols on their clothing and body, or express their Christian faith in public schools.
Our military chaplains are restrained from praying in the name of Jesus Christ.
All the while, our public schools teach the basic beliefs of other religions and even participate in the holidays of other faiths; our military allow other faiths to pray in the name of their god.
The Bill of Rights guarantees our government will not establish a state religion or make laws that prohibit the free exercise of any religion.
Yet, the Christian faith is being hindered and even prohibited upon every turn.
One city in Oregon, where I lived, required churches to get a permit before they could hold Christian services in that city.
It is time to wake up America!
While we are busy with work, our children’s balls games and struggling to make ends meet, our nation is under siege from within.
We are losing our freedoms faster than we ever imagined.
How do you fight this enemy from within?
Thank God, yes thank God, we have the freedom and the governmental system that will allow us to change course without a shooting war.
1. Exercise your right to vote.
2. Exercise your right to contact your government leaders and demand that they up hold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
3. Let them know if they do not, we will replace them with those who will do so.
And be certain to thank a veteran today and every day!
The Light and the GloryThe Light and the Glory: 1492-1793 (God’s Plan for America)
The Light and the Glory for Young Readers: 1492-1787 (Discovering God’s Plan for America)
The Light and the Glory for Children : Discovering God’s Plan for America from Christopher Columbus to George Washington
Light and Glory Study Guide
From Sea to Shining Sea: 1787-1837 (God’s Plan for America)
Sounding Forth the Trumpet
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