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  1. Oh, was I thankful to read these words of truth this morning! Thank you for exposing these excuses to keep on sinning. I get SO tired of hearing the same exact cop-outs you have mentioned here. It is an insult against the blood of Jesus to think that after all He suffered and the great sacrifices He made that a person cannot live a victorious life. He came to cleanse us from ALL sin. So many take on the mindset that grace is a free ticket to sin and continue to live any shipshod way they want. Grace enables us NOT to sin. It enables us to live above sin and be CHANGED and transformed, as you said, by the renewing of our minds. When someone goes on living like there has been no inward changed, they are just proving that there has been no inward change. Jesus came to give us more…an abundant life, free from sin. I know we all make mistakes and will make many more and need His forgiveness and grace. But, to willfully go on living in sin is perfect proof that a person has not been transformed on the inside. I just rejoiced in the truth you brought forth here today and praise God for your courage. Have a wonderful day in Him.

    1. Cheryl – it was so encouraging to read your comment. I praise God for those who understand the true meaning of grace and the power to live lives that glorify God. I pray that your light will continue to shine for Him as you speak and share the truth of God’s Word!

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