4 Ways The Church Can Seize This Moment in History
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There seems to be a plethora of sources declaring this is a fortuitous moment in history.
History is filled with stories of fortuitous moments being squandered as well as being seized.
While I fully agree this is an historical moment for the United States of America and for the world; I do not believe it is a foregone conclusion.

It is not an historical moment just because we have seen a change in the Oval Office and a change in the governing party in White House, Senate and Congress.
Those changes may help facilitate the fortuitous opportunity but they are not the guarantee this moment will be ceased.
President Donald Trump acknowledged in his 2017 inaugural speech that every human being is created by Almighty God.
“And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.”
He declared, “There should be no fear – we are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.” (My emphasis)
He went on to say, “These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public…”
It is wonderful that he acknowledges God’s creation of the human race and his divine protection.
It is important that he understands the significance of righteousness in a culture.
If this invocation by our President is going to move forward from his inaugural address and become reality, the people of this nation must come into obedience to the Word of God.
That is not the responsibility of the President, the Senate, the Congress, or the Supreme Court.
That responsibility rests firmly at the door of the Church!
Yes, the President must lead with godly fear, a righteous heart, and justice.
But it is incumbent upon the Church to ensure the President is receiving godly council and instruction from the Word of God, so he can lead in harmony with and in obedience to Almighty God.
The Senate and the Congress must make legislation that is just and righteous and does not violate the precepts and principles of God’s Word.
It is required of the justices of the Supreme Court to judge by absolute truth.
They must ensure the Constitution of the United States is enforced.
They must also be certain it does not violate the principles and precepts set forth in the Word of God.
Again, it is the responsibility of the Church to teach and to train the children and the men and women of this nation in the truth of the Holy Scripture so they can be men and women who legislate by the truth of God’s Word and who are capable of discerning and applying the principles of God’s Word and the ways of God to the Constitution and the laws of this land.
We must seize this fortuitous moment.
That will only happen if the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ rises to the occasion and leads this nation into a spiritual awakening that will empower the moment!
Do you understand this is not a political issue?
This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This is not a liberal, a conservative or a progressive issue. This is a spiritual issue.
Our President and his cabinet; the Vice President and the Senate; the Speaker of the House and the Congress may lead out of their collective wisdom and their political cunning.
Through that they may lead America and the world into some measure of change and hope.
We will end in the same quagmire and legislative gridlock that has led this nation and the world into this age of economic fog and moral dark ages.
No dear ones.
If we are to seize this moment given into our hands by Almighty God we must do it God’s Way; based upon God’s Word; empowered by the Holy Spirit, directed by the Holy Spirit and disciplined by the Holy Spirit.
Anything less and we will miss this opportune time.
Israel was given a grand opportunity. God gave to them the most unexpected leader.
He came with a vision, the authority and the provisions to rebuild the walls of the city and to restore the economy of the nation.
He faced great opposition.
There were demonstrations and every attempt to stop Him.
This leader was a man of prayer and he had a great godly spiritual leader beside him. Nehemiah and Ezra called the people together and read the Word of God to them.
The spiritual leaders instructed the people in the principles and precepts of what was being read, so they could understand and make proper application.
A great spirit of revival began among the people. The reading and teaching of the Word of God brought the people to conviction of sin.
Confession and repentance followed the conviction and immoral behavior was abandoned. Spiritual awakening was realized and the historical moment was seized.
Danger and destruction were facing Judah and their new king.
Radical terrorists were ruling in Assyria. They had conquered Israel to the north and now they were threatening Judah.
The new king turned to the Lord. He ordered the house of God to be repaired and proper worship be restored.
He commanded the priests and the Levites to do what was necessary to renew their spiritual lives and their walk with the Lord.
He gave the spiritual leaders the authority and the opportunity to lead the nation in true worship of the Living God. Great revival came to Judah and the radical terrorists were defeated.
The United States and the world are standing at the threshold of this fortuitous moment from God.
The parallels with Israel and Judah are obvious. The question remains:
Will we seize this moment?
The answer is not so much dependent upon the political leaders and the powers of Washington as it is upon the leaders of the Church and the born again believers.
Will we seize the moment?
Nothing defined the difference in the political campaigns of this last year more than spiritual attitude of the two candidates for President.
The one demanded the Church conform to the culture and embrace pro-abortion, the LGBT agenda’s and the belief that Muslims and Christians worship the same god.
The other candidate reached out to the Gospel preaching pastors of this nation, sought their council, and acknowledged that true change will only happen when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is influencing and changing the culture of nation; not embracing the culture of a sinful nation.
Instead of nullifying the influence of the Church, we now have the opportunity to make a difference.
Almighty God has hit the reset button and given the Church another opportunity to bring spiritual awakening and transformation.
We must seize the moment.
Here are 4 ways we can seize this moment in American history
1. We must take out Book of all Ages and preach it without compromise.
Enough with motivational speeches and pop psychology from the pulpits, in the classes and home groups.
Read the Word of God. Teach it and preach it without compromise so the Word of God can bring conviction of sin in the heart of the people.
2. Teach the people how to accurately apply the principles and precepts of the Word.
Teach them the moral absolutes; train them in the “ways of God” and the wisdom of God.
Lead them to true repentance and confession of sin.
Help them turn away from the things God hates and to live in “true righteousness and holiness.” We must fully embrace “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God maybe complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
3. Wait on God until the Holy Spirit infuses every aspect of ministry.
Call for pre-service prayer times and nights of prayer and truly pray! Seek the Lord for His presence and His glory to fill everything you do and every area ministry.
4. Seek God until there is a new day of Pentecost.
There was a reason Jesus told the Apostles to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from heaven.
“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
We will never change America and the world with mere intellectual impartation.
The Apostle Paul declared, “And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).
We have been given an historical moment and great opportunity.
It is in our hands now.
We must not be slack or complacent.
We must be diligent and passionate.
It is time to seize the moment!!
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