How God Uses Blood Moons to Speak to the Church
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Four blood moons took place in 2014-2015. Each of them happened on a major Jewish holiday. Two of them happened on Passover and two of them on the Feast of Tabernacles.
There was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, the shining of the Bethlehem Star, on June 30th and July 1, 2015.
While there have been many conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus, this was possibly the first time they have been that close, shining as one star, since the birth of Christ.
That is why it has been called the reappearing of the Bethlehem Star.
A total solar eclipse was visible from coast to coast in the USA for the first time in 100 years took place August 21st this year. The last time was 1918.
See my other post on Blood Moons: Are Blood Moons Jesus’ Warning to the Church?
This hurricane season has been record setting.
Through September 12th there have been 11 names storms, 6 hurricanes, three have been major hurricanes of level three or above.
Normal season has a total of twelve names storms, 6 hurricanes and three major hurricanes.
An 8.4 earthquake hit Mexico on September 7th. They are anticipating an alignment of the sun, Jupiter, Venus and mars, that many are calling the fulfillment of Revelation 12 this week.

What is happening?
Are we near the end of time? Should we be preparing for the judgment of God as some are saying?
Certainly God is trying to get our attention.
Genesis 1:14 clearly tells us God will speak to us through the sun and the moon. “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years’” (NKJV).
Did you catch that?
“Let them be for signs [otot] and seasons [moadim].”
God placed the sun, the moon, and the stars in the sky to lights for planet earth. He also uses them for “signs” literally for a banner that signals direction or orients a person and for “seasons” for appointed times, for festivals.
How God Uses Blood Moons to Speak to the Church
It is not a coincidence that multiple times in Scripture God references the last days will be marked by blood moons and solar eclipses declaring his appointed time and signaling the direction His church should be taking.
Some of the references are Isaiah 13:9-10; Amos 8:8, 9; and Matthew 24:29.
Joel 2:30-31 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord” (NKJV).
Learn how you can read the signs of the times through the prism of history in this powerful course Where Are We At On God’s Timeclock
Jesus addressed this very issue in Matthew 24 in answer to the question from His disciples, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age”? (Matthew 24:3 NKJV)
Jesus gave three arenas of “signs” and “seasons” that would lead to the end of time and His return.
1. He said in verses 4-8, there will be false Christs, wars and rumors of wars, and natural disasters but all of these are the beginning of sorrows, the end is not yet.
These are the birth pangs that will get closer together and more severe proclaiming that God is talking to us. He is indeed shouting at us. Don’t place greater emphasis on these things than is intended.
2. The second arena is found in Matthew 24:9-14. There will be severe persecution because the general population will hate Christians, false prophets will become popular and deceive many people, and lawlessness will abound. The Gospel will be preached to all nations, “and then the end will come.”
3. Matthew 24:15-22 records Jesus describing the third arena. The “abomination of desolation” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” will set the stage for the world to experience “then there will be great tribulation.”
Jesus is making direct reference to Daniel’s description of the third temple of God being built on the Temple Mount.
The Beast or the Little Horn will defile the temple and stop all worship of the Living God and direct all worship to himself, as if he were God. The Apostle Paul also refers to this in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4.
It is at this point in His discourse that Jesus makes reference to the solar eclipse and the blood moons happening before He raptures the Church and comes to earth again (Matthew 24:23-31).
What should the church be doing in light of all that is happening?
What is God trying to say to us?
I believe Jesus made that abundantly clear. First let me tell what He is NOT saying. That is just as important as what He IS saying.
Jesus is not saying to His church, “Just hang on, the rapture is coming and I will take you out of this mess.”

Jesus is not saying, “The end of the world is coming. Gather all the food and water you can and head for the hills.”
I know to many of you this may sound silly, but, I have been around long enough to remember the book and how many Christians were miss led by 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988, The Feast of Trumpets (Ros-Hash-Ana) September 11-12-13 by Edgar Whisenant.
I also remember the tragedy of the Hale-Bopp comet suicide in March 1997.
I believe the Holy Scripture teaches that Jesus Christ will rapture His church in the book of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
I believe we are to look for that blessed hope with great anticipation every single day. It should not make us inactive and complacent, exactly the opposite. Jesus described it well in Matthew 24:45-51.
We must be faithful and good stewards of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is coming soon!
Luke 19:13 our Lord said “Occupy till I come.” Literally, do business, do trade. He has given us assignments that must be completed.
The Gospel must be preached in all nations (Matthew 24:14).
Your children and grandchildren must be led to Jesus and discipled.
Your work place needs to hear the Gospel.
Your neighbors and relatives must be won to Jesus Christ.
Lift up your eyes. Look to the fields. They are ready for harvest.
Yes, we are seeing the signs of His coming. He is coming soon. This weekend may very well be exactly what is described in Revelation 12; I am not an astronomer.
I do know four blood moons exactly on four biblical feast days, is God shouting at His church, “Get the job done. I am coming soon!”
Awaken Church!
This is not a time to be partying with the world or playing with sin.
This is not a time to “have a form of godliness but no power.” This is the time for the Church to be waiting on the Lord for a new season of Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit, so we can be witnesses unto Him in these closing days time!
This is the time for Joel 2:28-29 to be fulfilled in our local churches “that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
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