Living Victoriously in a Hostile Culture
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Daniel lived prosperously and victoriously in a humanistic pagan culture that rapidly turned into a “cancel culture” that threatened his very life. He experienced a miraculous intervention of God that enabled him to make a difference in a hostile situation.
How aware are you of the hostile situation in which you and your family live?
The popular authors and media personalities of the Critical Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory/Intersectionality, and LGBTQ+ movements are openly writing about and speaking about the “dangers” of the Christian movement and the Holy Bible.
They are creating, at the speed of light, policies and legislation to ban the presence and influence of the Christian faith and the Bible in schools, businesses, media, and the marketplace.
Many professionals live in constant fear for their careers if they speak openly of their faith as a disciple of Jesus Christ, particularly as it relates to any of the ideologies these movements.
Even more grievous is the number of Christian leaders, pastors, and theologians who are drinking the Critical Social Justice Kool-Aid and have become voices inside the Church proclaiming a message that violates the very Gospel they claim to believe.
Now we are in a war with two fronts – the humanistic pagan culture and a compromised deluded Christian culture.
You are in a war for you son’s and daughter’s souls.
The current agenda in the USA public school system and many private school systems is no longer the education of children but indoctrination.
The new curriculums being distributed in the school districts throughout the nation promote Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ+ philosophies, ideologies, and moral values from kindergarten through high school.
Math problems, grammar studies, and social studies (more correctly, historical rewrite) all promote these agendas. Learning the alphabet in kindergarten child used to have “B, B, B – bird.”
Now it is, “B, B, B – Bi-sexual.”
Many teachers are offended by it and do not want to teach the curriculum. However, they are not given options. They either teach the curriculum or find another career.
It is a war for our children.
It is a war for their minds, their emotions, their personal identity, their very soul.
Every day, throughout the day, your son, your daughter, your grandchildren are challenged in their reasoning and their world view to question their identity and sexual orientation. They are encouraged to explore sexual experiences and are exposed to explicit sexual material.
Choosing to remain passive is no longer an option.
Choosing to remain passive as a parent or grandparent is no longer a viable option, if it ever was. Driving the children to soccer games, baseball, and dance is no longer adequate for “keeping them good kids,” as if it ever was.
Mom and dad work hard, pursue careers, give their kids lots of stuff, but place their children in the hands of teachers and coaches. They trust the professionals teach and train their kids.
Whose moral values will they learn?
What will give them a strong sense or worth and value?
Who and what is shaping their personal identity?
Dads and moms will have to get deeply involved in their children’s lives; training them to have a strong personal identity of worth and value based upon the Holy Scripture. Teach them strong moral values and understanding the concepts why God has commanded moral absolutes.
Leading them to personal salvation experience and baptism of the Holy Spirit and training them to “stand alone” in a pagan humanistic culture.
We had a whole generation of grandparents who were, as the bumper stickers used to say, “spending their kid’s inheritance.” They were giving themselves to traveling in their motor-coach, camper, or travel trailer – unavailable to the grandkids.
Leaving a generation of children without the influence and wisdom of grandpa and grandma, walking with them, and looking at the pollywogs and wooly worms; picking dandelions and reading them stores; answering the tough questions of a small child and giving them a sense of family history and identity.
A very curious thing has happened today.
As the culture swims in a cesspool and the family structure has fallen apart, it is common for grandparents to become parents to their grandchildren. They are getting a second chance to get it right.
It is time for parents and grandparents to rise up and declare – NOT ON MY WATCH. Satan you cannot have my children. You will not get my grandchildren. LET’S GO TO WAR!!
Your upper room is your greatest weapon.
The Apostle Paul wrote the believers in Corinth,
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”
(2Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV)
The Apostle made it clear, the Corinthian disciples were in a war. It was not a war of the flesh but a spiritual war. He also made it clear, God has given spiritual weapons that are mighty by His power to win the victory.
You are in a spiritual war for the souls of your sons and daughters, for your own soul. God has given you the weapons to win this war.
Those weapons are “mighty in God for pulling down strongholds and casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”
You need those weapons in the war against Critical Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory/Intersectionality and LGBTQ+.
Your greatest weapon against these forces that after the minds, emotions, volition, and spirit of your sons and daughters is your upper room. Like Daniel, go there and fight the forces of darkness ruling a pagan humanistic cancel culture. Refuse to remain passive and feeling defeated.
Refuse to get caught up in the anger of the “talking heads.”
Believe that you are empowered by the Holy Spirit. You have been given the Word of Truth. Almighty God has placed in your hands the weapons that are “mighty through God.”
You can fight this battle and win the war for your sons and daughters in the “upper room.” Our next blog will look at the weapons that have been placed your hands.
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