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  1. Thanks for this post Dr. Hackett – my first time on your blog (arrived from your daughter Rosilind’s blog!).

    You make some reasonable points sir. I personally have always associated ‘Good, Good Father’ with Abba Father, so it’s strange for me to imagine it being used in a secular arena to honour an earthly Dad. Unless the lyrics are changed – I can’t imagine a human being lauded so much, unless the person using it in that context is being a bit too enthusiastic in showing their appreciation!

    I’ve definitely heard some Christian music that is too gushy for my liking, and have heard songs and longed for the lyrics to just focus on God – without the need to also talk about ourselves in the words too.

    The point you make about stage experiences in a lot of these performances is also a good point… I’ve always had some uneasiness about this when I’ve seen it, but haven’t been quite able to articulate why. It could be quite easy to attend one of these concerts, enjoy the show and have no serious commitment to Christ at all. Looking at the huge numbers that attend these events when you see these music videos accompanying the song has always made me slightly skeptical.

    I wanted to ask about your point on losing the identity of Jesus, Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit – being humanised, and Holy Spirit as a force rather than a person. Doesn’t scripture often describe Abba Father and Jesus Christ with human illustrations i.e. as a parent, as a brother, etc.? And isn’t the Holy Spirit also described like a wind, which one could say is a force? Though of course He is a person. Or perhaps I have misunderstood your points, and you could give me some examples so I can have greater clarity please?

    Thank you!

    1. iamloved,
      Thank you for reading my blog.
      That is a great question. I hope my thoughts will bring some clarity.
      When Scripture refers to God the Father in human terms, especially Father, it is making reference to His desire for personal and deep relationship with us. It is never with the perspective of diminishing His greatness; His majesty; or His awesome authority and power. He is our Heavenly Father longing for deep personal relationship. He is still sovereign, almighty, Creator, with absolute power and authority. Our relationship with Him must always carry that level of reverence and awe, even with a deep personal walk with Abba (daddy) Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ was very human, tempted in every aspect as we are tempted. He was also 100% God. Divinity in the flesh. “In Him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead, bodily.” (Col. 2:9). “Who being in the form of God” (exact form and image) “did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. But He emptied Himself…” (Phil. 2:6-8) Jesus set aside His divine privileges and powers as God, limiting Himself to human privileges and powers. He did not give up or set aside His divinity or identity as God. When He rose from the dead, He assumed His position in the Trinity and His Name has been exalted above all other Names, in Heaven, in earth and even under the earth. When we focus more on Jesus humanity than His divinity we are losing sight of His true nature and character. Revelation 4-5, 19 reveal the level of honor, majesty, glory and reverence that He receives in Heaven now. It is expected of all disciples of Jesus Christ to give Him that same level of honor, majesty, glory and reverence in our life and worship.
      Holy Spirit is referred to by several images; wind (breath), oil, dove, water. None of these are making reference to His nature, character or identity, but to His work in our lives. Example: Someone may be called a preacher, designer, mechanic, or a plumber. That is not their identity, character or nature. It is simply what they do.
      In the case of Holy Spirit; when we speak more of Holy Spirit as a force or power than we do as a Divine person with a name, personality, character and nature, the proper reverence and awe of Him is lost. He is so elevated by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that they have established, a person may use their name as a curse word and be forgiven and reconciled. But, if they ever use Holy Spirit’s name as a curse word they can never be forgiven and will never be reconciled.
      Well, I could keep going. But, hopefully this will give you the concept and give you some direction for personal study in the Holy Scriptures. If you would like more study material on Holy Spirit see my book “Father’s Promise.”
      God bless you. Thank you again for reading my blog. I hope you will visit my site again and find more enjoyable reading.

  2. I agree with you completly. I say it all the time, when I go to church at times, I feel like I am at a concert during worship time instead of in church. The music is so loud and they are up there dancing arond, like they are rockin out instead of dancing around while praising the Lord. I miss my country church I use to go to when I lived in MI, we sang songs from the hymnal, and really praised our Lord.
    Thank you for your article.

  3. Spot on! And I say this from the wife of a recording Artist/worship leader.
    I’ve watched him mentor and lead people on the platform for years.
    His biggest issue is that they disappear on stage, and tone themselves down by listening to those around them so as to blend rather than be heard.
    He also teaches them to keep their focus on the Lord rather than the audience.

    And this comes from a multi Grammy and Dove Award winner who never displayed his awards.

    Thank you for what you shared!


    A fellow sojourner in Christ

    1. Thank you, Nikki, for your encouragement here. Your husband is right: we need to keep our focus on the Lord than on the audience. He’s the one we came to sing to.

  4. Well written and so true. Thank you for pointing this out. I’m scheduling this to be shared on my FB page.

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