Choosing to Believe a Lie
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WorldNet Daily reported October 25, 2020 a court in Scotland was hearing a case regarding the definition of “woman.”
The question before the court is whether the definition of “woman” includes a man who “identifies” as a woman.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines woman as, “an adult female person.” It also explains “woman” may also refer to females of all ages, especially when used in the plural form, “women.”

The task before the court in Scotland is to determine if “woman” must now include:
- A human being that does not have two “X” chromosomes
- Does not have a vagina
- Does not ovulate
- Does not produce eggs for fertilization
- Does not have a womb to carry a child
- Does not have breasts capable of nursing a child.
This literally begs the question, “By what stretch of the imagination would this individual be a woman?”
Choosing to Believe a Lie
The Planned Parenthood web site, Forbes Magazine and other publications have published articles loudly declaring a person’s biological sex is not what defines their sexuality.
These articles spout junk science that explains away the confusion of such a limited view of human sexuality.
Great cultural pressure is upon the public to embrace this new “scientific” evidence that a “woman” does not have to possess the historically accepted biological traits of a woman nor does a “man” have to possess the normal male biological genitalia.
Indeed cultural correctness has moved from tolerance and understanding to one must believe and accept the new definition of human sexuality or that person will be labeled hateful and is likely to be shunned and even removed from their career.
It is not just the defining of human sexuality where our culture has embraced such faulty reasoning.
Defining when life begins in the womb has taken a clear and dangerous progression.
Roe vs. Wade was decided by the United States Supreme Court upon the firm definition human life begins at physical birth.
The physical presence in the womb was defined as “fetal tissue” not human life.
The argument presented was “fetal tissue” is not human life, therefore, it does not have constitutional rights and privileges.
It is the rights of the mother that must be considered and must be protected.
Carefully designed misrepresentations of scientific facts supported this reasoning and convinced the justices to rule in favor the Roe v Wade.
The Reproductive Act of New York State was signed into law, January 22, 2019. That new state law takes the reasoning even further. It determines the taking of a pre-born life is justified up to the time of birth.
When a culture decides truth is relative, a lie may become truth and truth may become a lie.
This places that culture in a clear and present danger.
Truth will move from lie to deception; deception will move to distortion; and distortion to delusion.
This may be clearly seen in America’s progression from the Enlightenment to Post-modernism; from Post-modernism to Post-Christianism; and now from Post-Christian to an Anti-Christian culture.
Relativity (the lie) moved to moral relativity and a sexualized culture (deception), to homosexuality and trans-gender (distortion), to human sexuality is determined by what you may experience emotionally not your biological gender (delusion).
The danger of such distortion is exponentially heightened when the Christian church does not “receive the love of the truth” and it also begins to embrace “the lie.”
How will truth be known and by what means will the culture be saved?
Jude, the brother of James and our Lord Jesus Christ, wrote a chilling admonition.
“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3 NKJV).
Jude observed leaders arising in the church who were moving away from the truth and teaching deception.
Realizing the great danger, he reminded the Church, you are the only repository of truth.
God by His own volition chose the Church to be the repository and the guardian of the Faith, the one source of truth.
When that grave responsibility is laid aside and the Church no longer receives “the love of the truth” and begins teaching a lie for the truth, the culture is in grave danger.
The historical era once identified as “the Dark Ages”, now called “the Middle Ages”, was originally named the “Dark Ages” because the light of truth had been hidden.
People did not have access to the truth of God’s Word because:
- It was hidden from the general population behind the walls of the monastery
- The Holy Bible and church services were conducted in Latin, a language the general populace could not speak
- There were laws prohibiting the publishing of the Holy Scriptures in the people’s language and prohibiting the distribution of Bibles in the language of the general populace.
The culture was dark because the people did not know the truth and did not have access to the truth.
The Church must proclaim the truth.
It is demanded by God, even when it is politically in-correct and the culture prohibits such proclamation.
The Church must never weaken its resolve to be the faithful repository and defender of the truth. The Church must never soften its voice from clearly and loudly declaring the truth.
We are the light of the world.
We are the very source that protects a culture from becoming distorted by a moral vacuum that will suck it into a black hole of delusion.
3Jesus proclaimed to the Church, “If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32 NKJV).
When the source of truth, the beacon of light, no longer receives “the love of the truth,” the light will go out in that culture.
Lies and deceptions become normal. Truth becomes a lie and distortion is accepted as fact.
That culture slides into a vacuum of delusion. Hope disappears and salvation for the people will be lost.
We will rise at this time and become bright beacons of the truth of God’s Word.
We will be the lighthouse shining the truth so our generation does not perish on the rocks of satanic lies, deceptions, distortions and delusions.
More on this topic:
What Happens When the Church Chooses Deception
What Happens When the Church Rejects the Truth of God’s Word?
This Is What Happens When a Culture Rejects God’s Word
One Shocking Way Our Culture is Mocking God
4 Powerful Ways to Avoid Strong Delusion
How to Escape the Delusion in the Church
6 Things to Do When Your Church Is in Delusion
Three Ways to Spot Apostasy In a Church
What Happens When Pastors Compromise the Truth
How Christians Can Be a Powerful Light in a World of Darkness
Who Determines What is Truth?
Choosing to Believe a Lie
5 Serious Dangers Found in the Church Today
How This Culture of Deception is Leading To the Antichrist
How Should Christians Respond When the Church Moves New Age?
Moral Relativity Is Making the Church Irrelevant
Why the Church Must Not Accept Gender Dysphoria
Does the Church Have a Hearing Problem?
Beware of This Seductive Spirit in the Church
Moral Relativity Is Making the Church Irrelevant
When Foolishness Becomes Wisdom
The Authority of a Disciple of Jesus Christ
The Word of Truth That Will Set This Generation Free
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 10 – How a Christian Can Guard Their Heart
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 15 – Jesus’ Disciples Must Stand Fast in a Culture of Delusion
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 17 – Jesus Redeems a Fallen Culture
A Truth You Can Trust
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 49 – Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Demons
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 50 – Characteristics of the Current Western Culture
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 51 – Revealing the Real Cause of Violence and Crime
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 52 – A Hidden Cause Impacting Our Culture
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 53 – The Hidden Cause of Global Warming
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 54 – When the Light of Truth Goes Out
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 55 – What Now for the Disciple of Jesus Christ?
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