Real Solutions to the Trouble of Our Nation
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A nation does not move overnight from being the greatest nation in the history of mankind to the greatest debtor nation, the largest producer of pornography, the highest level of violence and crime, and one of the poorest educated in the world.
It is gradual decline that becomes a slippery slope of moral decadence.
How in the world did the United States of America go from the envy of nations to burning down businesses with no consequences; to rape, robbery, and violent acts with no legal action taken?
How did we move from having the greatest economy in history with almost zero debt to the largest debt in the history of man? The answer is found in the Psalms 1:1-6.
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, no sits in the seat of the scornful: but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.
(Psalm 1:1-3 NKJV)
“Blessed is the man (or nation),”that is they are happy, one to be envied. That was the United States of America.
The reason we are historically such a melting pot is because we were the envy of almost all nations of the world. I know in the historical rewrite that has taken place over the last fifty years we have been labeled an aggressor nation an evil nation. That just does not fit the actual facts.
Look at the history recorded at Ellis Island and the people who immigrated from around the world hoping, begging to come to America, “Where I can be free,” as one man put it.
When nations have suffered natural disasters who has been the first to come with aid and assistance for recovery – at our own expense, I might add?
When the world has been under the danger of a belligerent despot, who came to the frontlines and fought alongside, then paid for the clean up and the rebuilding after the war?
These are the true records and reasons we have been the envy of the world.
Until now!
We are becoming the laughingstock, the mockery, the fools. What has happened?
We did the very things God has said not to do.
Do Not Walk In the Counsel of the Ungodly
“Walk not” is referring to making movement or taking steps. It is talking about how one conducts their life.
The Psalmist wrote, do not conduct your life based upon the counsel, that is the advise, the plans, the schemes the philosophy or ideology of the ungodly, those who are wicked.
That is exactly what the United States has done for the last one hundred years.
We allowed John Dewey, the founder of modern education, and his element turn our education system away from being founded upon and solid base of the Word of God.
The whole education system is now totally rooted in humanistic, rationalist, anti-Christian philosophy. Post-modern, deconstructionist, secularist ideology fills the curriculum with moral relativity, anti-family, narcissistic values.
The Psalmist warned that one must not position themselves to walk in the path of sinners, that is to take on the mannerism of one who is immoral.
We have six decades of moral relativity pounded into the minds and emotions of our nation. The hippies and the “flower children” of the sixties have become the middle schoolers and high schoolers who pose and dance nude on TikTok.
The public-school curriculum is challenging our middle schoolers and high schoolers to test their like or dislike for same-sex intercourse.
One hundred years ago university professors began mocking and scorning those who believed in the Bible as God’s infallible Word. They openly mocked belief in the virgin birth and the miracles of the prophets and of Jesus Christ.
We now have a whole generation who has settled themselves into a lifestyle and are living with a mocking, disrespect for all authority, especially anything to do we old morals and values.
Exactly as the Psalmist wrote, “Nor sits in the seat of the scornful.”
The double sadness of this evil is the scorning that has now come into the “house of the Lord.”
Pastors and seminary professors who mock and scorn belief in the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures.
One television pastor teaches from the pulpit a Christian does not point the Bible as the foundation for their belief in Jesus Christ.
Another large Christian movement across America openly teaches believers should check out spiritism and discover truths spiritism have taken from God. They have even published a book encouraging Christians to study spiritism.
The deeply disturbing truth for Christianity in the United States is the people are perishing from lack of knowledge of God’s Word.
The United States of America is living the consequences of one hundred years of “walking in the counsel of the ungodly, standing the way of the sinner, and sitting in the seat of the scornful.”
We are experiencing exactly what God said we would experience.
What is the solution? The Psalmist wrote it!
“His delight is in the law of the Lord.”
We must see a nationwide spiritual awakening that brings a love and desire for the Lord and His Word. A spiritual awakening that is so deep and powerful it changes the heart of men and women, so they love the things they once mocked and hate the things they once loved and believed.
It must be more than a series of great meetings or emotional catharsis.
We must have a move of God that impacts more than a church or community here and there in our nation. It must be a move of God that is so great it impacts a majority of this nation and brings a transformation to the culture.
The spiritual awakening must be so deep and transforming the educators of our nation become committed to the infallible, inerrant, and true Word of God. They give themselves to studying it and meditating on it day and night and bring its truths back into the classrooms of the schools and universities.
When our nation has such a spiritual awakening, it will once again be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.
We will see the education system in our nation healthy, and teaching truth again.
The families of this nation will become stable and centers of love, with fathers in the home.
Crime will reduce and sons and daughters will not be on drugs and going to prison.
We will see our nation’s economy flourish again, with leaders of integrity and wisdom.
For the ungodly nations, this will not be so. They will be like chaff blown in the wind. I am getting ahead of myself.
That is our next blog.
I know, this solution sounds too simplistic. It is neither simple nor simplistic.
It will require great sacrifice on the part of the pastors and spiritual leaders.
They will have to make the choice to stand in the pulpit and preach authentically about sin and repentance.
They will have to fast and pray for Holy Spirit to come back into the building and fill the services, bringing deep conviction of sin and spiritual hunger in the hearts of the people.
They will have to boldly stand up to church leaders whose hearts are cold and lukewarm.
They will have to be willing to face the negativity and even departure of big money givers. They will have to be willing to have “presence” over “program.”
Revival and spiritual awakening must begin in the house of the Lord. We must passionately love, and desire God’s presence more than we want great bands, cool preachers, great performances, and programs. We must love and greatly desire to be in God’s presence more than we want to be out of church in 60 minutes.
This is not simplistic.
It requires authentic holiness on the part of God’s people.
It requires fasting and prayer for spiritual strongholds to be broken in churches and in our communities. The people of God must be authentic disciples of Jesus before spiritual awakening can come to the community.
It requires the church to be the church the Lord Jesus Christ built, with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit so strong it breaks forth into the community and leads the most notorious sinners to salvation and life transformation.
This is the real solution the problems of the United States of America.
Are you willing?
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