Here Is What To Do When a Nation Has Rejected God
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“Here we are, slaves today. The land that You gave to our fathers was for eating its fruit and its goodness. Behold, we have becomes slaves on account of it, because its abundant produce belongs to the kings whom You have set over us due to our sins. They have control over our bodies and over our livestock as they please. We are in great distress” (Nehemiah 9:36-37 MEV).
These are the closing words of a prayer by the priests of Israel spoken during days of fasting and prayer, seeking God’s favor and restoration of the city of Jerusalem and the nation.
Nehemiah and Ezra were seeking to restore the covenant God had made with the Hebrew people.
They acknowledged how their fathers had broken the covenant and for centuries lived in rebellion to God and His Word.
They also acknowledge the rebellion against God was devastating.
The people of God became pawns in the hands of political rulers who used them to build wealth for themselves and to strengthen their power and influence.
That is always the way of a nation who has once known God and then thrown Him out.
God gave a similar warning to Israel through the prophet Samuel when the people were demanding an earthly king like the nations around them.
“Your sons he will take in order to place them for himself… And your daughters he will take for perfumers, and cooks, and bakers. And your choicest fields, and vineyards and olive groves he will take and given them to his servants. And of your seed fields and your vineyards he will take a tenth of their harvest and will give it to his high officials and to his servants. And your menservants and your maidservants and the best of your young men and asses he will take and make do his work. Your flocks he will take a tenth of, but you will be his slaves” (1Samuel 8:11-17 MEV).
A careful look at history reveals this prophetic word to be true not only for Israel but for every nation that has rejected God.
When men and women refuse to acknowledge God is their creator and sustainer and refuse to yield and surrender their will to His leadership and authority; when they will not retain God in their education and knowledge; they are left to the finite and fragile limits of humanistic thinking and reasoning.
They open themselves to the distortion of the doctrine of demons.
The foundation of the philosophical and scientific opinion and reasoning is filled with deception and the ideology born in the heart of Lucifer.
From the very foundation of the Luciferian kingdom he has sought to control man through human kingdoms that were ruled by oppression, suppression, obsession and possession.
Is it any wonder, when a nation that has known God refuses to honor and to serve Him, they turn to socialism, communism and dictatorial rule?
Here Is What To Do When a Nation Has Rejected God
The existential philosophy of the late 19th and 20th century began to evolve into post-modern reasoning and ideology in the 1960’s. Post-modernism has step by step evolved into a post-Christian America.
The second decade of the 21st century has seen post-Christian America move toward a culture that is anti-Christian.
With the new philosophical reasoning came progressive thinking in the political arena of the 1920’s and ‘30s. Keynesian economics and President Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and his “2nd Bill of Rights” are a reflection of this progressive thinking.
President Johnson took progressivism a step further in his effort to build “a Great Society.” The programs and strategy of the “Great Society” was nothing less than national social engineering.
It is not a coincidence that these philosophical ideologies and progressive political strategies have gained wide acceptance at the same time the United States has removed God from the public arena.
The feminist movement was born in the late 19th and early 20th century.
At the same time evolution was being introduced into the curriculum of public schools. 1962-1963 Bible reading and prayer were removed from public schools.
Abortion was legalized in 1973 and the teaching of creationism was outlawed by the Supreme Court in 1987.
All the while the standards of right and wrong were being challenged with the post-modern reasoning “there are no absolutes.”
This has opened the gateway to open display of sexually explicit media; sexual relationships outside of marriage; and trans-gender relationships.
The more the United States has distanced itself from God, the deeper the distortion from the doctrine of demons.
The deception has become more and more acceptable.
People are losing their love for truth and are choosing to believe a lie. We see this happening before our very eyes in the leadership of our nation.
Things our parents and grandparents never would have believed could happen in our nation are happening now.
Representatives in our Congress recently introduced a bill they are calling, “The Green New Deal.” It is a ten year plan to re-invent the United State of America.
Here is just a quick glance at “The New Green Deal”.
- Build upon FDR’s second bill of rights (this was part of President Roosevelt’s State of the Union Address in 1944);
- All home mortgages will be owned by the government who will ensure you can pay your mortgage, if not you will rent your home from the government;
- Socialized medicine controlled by the government with no private medicine;
- Redistribution of wealth by government takeover of all banking; extreme taxation of the wealthy; and government controls that will not allow business owners to gain wealth.
- Government control of all business, industry, and utilities; including the ten year goal of shutting down all airplane travel and replacing it with a green rail service; and the removal all the bovines that emit body gases;
- Government will retro-fit all industry and retro-fit all buildings to be green friendly;
- All citizens are government workers through the takeover of all employment services and wage control;
- Control the knowledge of the general populace by government control of all media, publication outlets, education, and training;
- All education institutions will be under government control providing free education from pre-school through college;
- Weaken the United States by reducing the military budget 50%;
- Re-write the Constitution of the United States. The first step is to remove the Electoral College; allowing the large states like New York and California to control the outcome all elections and the smaller states will have no influence;
This bill calls for our government to become a strong measure of socialism, which is simply a soft form of communism.
While many do not believe this bill would ever pass congress and be signed into law; the media is strongly supporting it and even declaring 92% of democrats and 64% of republicans are in favor.
Here is the takeaway.
- The United State of America was founded in covenant with Almighty God (read the Mayflower Compact and the closing paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence);
- The Founding Fathers of the United States were highly educated in history and the writing of Blackstone. They fully understood the dangers of a democratic society. They very purposefully and intentionally avoided democracy and founded a republic.
- The United States was established as a constitutional republic NOT a democracy; with the Holy Bible as the guiding book for our morals and our laws.
- The reason the United State of America has been the greatest nation in the history of mankind is because it is a constitutional republic governed by a static set of laws which are grounded in the Holy Word of God;
- The exceptionalism of the United States is a direct blessing of Almighty God upon a nation in covenant with Him;
- The United States has not been without flaws or mistakes, even though we were founded in covenant with God. The men and women who led and influenced this nation were sinful people in need of God’s redeeming work in their heart;
- Through the years the United States has sought to correct those great mistakes. That is why you see so many people of color in the Congress, on the Supreme Court, and even in the Oval Office;
The United States is facing the same extreme danger all nations have experienced who rejected Almighty God. There is only one solution.
That is an authentic spiritual awakening that will transform our culture and heal the soul of this nation through the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.
A spiritual awakening will only happen if the church in the United States experiences a full blown revival that restores holiness to the House of the Lord; brings the authentic presence and work of the Holy Spirit in hearts; and the Word of God is again proclaimed in the pulpits without compromise.
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