Why the Term “Forever President” Is a Dangerous Trend
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What does the “New Deal” of President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) and the “Great Society” of President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) has in common?
Both were progressive political programs designed to move the United States of America away from the Constitutional Republic established by our Founding Fathers.They certainly were not the first time one of our presidents sought to make such a move.
President Franklin Roosevelt’s cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, ran his 1912 campaign to be elected President for a second time on the Progressive agenda: “Square Deal.”

The progressive agenda of the 20th century is the foundation of the 21st century liberalism.
Many of today’s moderate conservatives would listen to the campaign speeches of the 20th century progressives such as Hubert Humphrey or George McGovern and think they were conservatives, when indeed, they were progressives.
It is just that today’s liberals are progressives on steroids.
In reality, they are soft socialist, if there really is such a thing. The liberals, or soft socialists, want a Medicare-for-all-single payer health system; they want to abolish the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, total gun control, and the redistribution of wealth.
They believe the United States Constitution is outdated and must become an evolving instrument, meeting social and cultural change led by the advancement of scientific knowledge and the development of a governmental bureaucracy.
The Constitutional Republic must be replaced by a democratic system that will evolve as culture and society evolves.
Freedom is not an inalienable right given by the Creator (God), according to them, but is a liberty earned and granted by the government.
It is government’s role to create the institutions that will enable individuals realize their potential.
For the liberal, there are no moral absolutes, so there can be no static constitution that guarantees the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for men and women.
The rights of individuals are granted by the government.
Democracy and the consent of the governed is not so important to the liberal ideology, indeed, they are diminished. The individual is to be dependent upon the government not the government leading by the consent of the governed.
Through the state, the society, and therefore the individual, will be perfected.
The Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution the guarantee individuals would have the liberty to pursue private industry, financial success, and bountiful living through free enterprise, ownership of private property, and the personal building of wealth.
Indeed, the framers of the Constitution specifically wrote the protection of private property.
Liberals believe these pursuits are selfish, greedy, and oppressive. They openly and covertly encourage and declare the principles of the socialist ideals.
John Dewey encouraged the obliteration of the private sector by governmental mandate.
John Burgess wrote the most fundamental role of statehood that is indispensable is absolute unlimited universal power over the individual and all associations of those governed.
The Founding Fathers believed the best government was that which least interfered with the daily lives, private industry, and routines of the people.
The role of government was to provide a secure environment safe from belligerence and crime. They knew that would allow the liberty of the governed to be productive and bountiful.
The burden of proof was upon the government to show the necessity of interference through taxes and fees.
They framed a constitutional republic where these were to be kept at the very minimum; allowing the greatest liberty and fullest measure of free enterprise and the development of private wealth for every person.
Liberals and moderate conservatives believe the government must protect the poor and other individuals who are victims of capitalism through the redistribution of resources, particularly the wealth of those who have been most successful in free enterprise.
The government should develop institutions that will protect the poor and regulate the “abuse” of capitalism and free enterprise.
Therefore, it is the belief of liberals and moderate conservatives that government should not be comprised of those elected individuals from local communities and regions that have the most wisdom and the skills best suitable, as our Founding Fathers established. It is to be made of those who are experts educated and trained at the finest universities to govern.
A central government replaces elected officials, political parties, and the self-interest groups.
They believe a bureaucracy of the elite; an oligarchy government, provides for the best interest of the populace.
Our Founding Fathers carefully studies the Holy Scriptures, the history of nations, and the heart of mankind.
They rejected a government by monarchy, oligarchy, or a democracy because of the dangers each of these would impose upon the people of the United States and the limitations they would bring to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
They carefully, with forethought and great debate, chose the framework of a Constitutional Republic because it would provide the greatest measure of liberty.
It would affirm and encourage the advancement of private industry and the building of personal wealth.
There has been a concerted effort to override the United States Constitution and to impose an oligarchy led by a life-long leader, commonly referred to as “Our Forever President.”
Why the Term “Forever President” Is a Dangerous Trend
Talin Hakopyan wrote “ An Ode to My Forever President” (medium.com, Talin Hakopyan Jan 20, 2017).
Kia Morgan-Smith in her article about Benjamin J. Rhodes releasing his memories, “The World As It Is” , wrote, “ Although we saw our forever President cool and level-headed the days after Trump was elected…” (thegrio.com2018/05/31/book)
Breanna Edwards wrote in July of this year, “…our favorite uncle, forever President Barack Obama…” (www.theroot.com Breanna Edwards, 7/30/2018)
Even the memorial service of Senator John McCain brought out the proclamation. “Per Senator McCain’s request, our forever President Barack Obama, recently stepped behind the podium to offer his heart felt eulogy for Senator McCain. ” (www.bet.com/news/national/September 1, 2018)
The latest to proclaim the Monarch of the United States was Andrew Gillum while campaigning for Governor of Florida introduced the former President as the “Forever President” (www.nytimes.com/2018/11/02/us/politics )
This is just further evidence of the strength of the progressive movement in the United States.
It certainly is not the first time the progressives and liberals have tried to take that first giant step towards a socialist society.
President Franklin Roosevelt was first elected in 1933. He was elected three more times and served until his passing away on April 12, 1945.
The true Constitutionalist in Congress passed a bill in 1947 amending the Constitution by limiting the term of office for a President to two terms of four years. The States of the Union ratified the 22nd Amendment February 27, 1951.
It is easy to see how progressive ideology can lead to a socialist ideology that in turn can lead to a communist ideology.
The people of the United States under our Constitution and the framework of a Constitutional Republic have experienced the greatest liberty; the most successful industry and personal building of wealth; had the strongest military force protecting from outside belligerence in the history of the mankind for three critical reasons.
1. This nation was founded in covenant with Almighty God (read the Mayflower Compact).
2. We have a static Constitution based upon the Holy Word of God.
3. Each person has the liberty to choose and to pursue private industry and to build personal wealthy according to their skill and ambition; regardless of race, color or creed.
I know our nation and its government has not been without error. We have made great mistakes.
We have also made so great efforts to correct those errors and to truly be a nation that lives out: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Preamble to the United States Declaration of Independence).
It is critical timing for every child of God to embrace the call of 1Timothy 2:1-4
“Therefore, I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth” (MEV).
We will not lead a “quiet and peaceful life ” if the progressive, moderate conservative, liberal, and socialist slowly nullifies our Constitution and replaces our Constitutional Republic.
We were founded in a covenant with God. Our Constitution is based upon the Word of God. We must not allow agnostic, atheistic philosophies to replace them.
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