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  1. It can only be done with the power of the Holy Sprit that lives within you. I tried expressing this to a group recently and I was quite surprised at the reaction that it received. This is not the thoughts of many believers, which confuses me. This is certainly not the thoughts of the world. This would be looked upon as radical and weird. I think that is in part to believers not living it, out of fear of being outcasted or rejected. Change is not of our own power but the power that dwells within us. He will convict us to and through these steps. But like you said we sometimes have to get out of the way of Him working His will through us. Thanks for the thoughts.

    1. Amen! Holiness is only possibly by the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Anything else will descend into legalism and a critical spirit. This is where the Pharisees went wrong.

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