One Shocking Way Our Culture is Mocking God
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According to The Telegraph, in an article dated July 10, 2022, the Church of England has officially declared there is no clear definition of “woman.”
One year ago on July 1, 2021, Breitbart News reported, “The Church of England’s first-ever transwoman priest has declared that ‘God is non-binary’ and questioned whether He is ‘just genuinely like a guy?’”
Wait a minute, on one hand they say, “’There is no official definition’ of a woman,” but can definitely declare God is non-binary. What Bible are they reading?
Let’s make some things very clear. Jesus Christ, whom the Apostle John declared, “In the beginning was the Word and Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1) was clearly, a man. Scripture records His circumcision and gives multiple references to Him as “Son of God” and “Son of Man.”
It also records multiple occasions when God declared Jesus Christ as, “this is My beloved Son.”
Jesus referred to God as “Father.” Look with me at just two examples. You will no doubt remember several other. “After this manner therefore pray ye, ‘Our Father, which art in Heaven…” (Matthew 6:9). “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6).
Clearly, God has chosen to be identified as male. “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5 KJV).
The one God has chosen to manifest Himself in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Choosing another other identification is mockery and blasphemy. God has revealed Himself to mankind through His infallible inerrant Word, the Holy Bible, and by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The human race is not given the privilege to identify God according their latest societal and cultural whims. Nor are we given the privilege to remake God into the image we like or better identify with. It is often said, “I worship God in my own way. He knows I love Him.”
Yes, “God knows!” God has clearly revealed His nature, His character, and His attributes. He has also declared the manner in which to worship Him. He has not given us the right or the authority to adjust the worship of God to our own way and choosing.
“And God said ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
The human race, mankind, is made in the image of God.
The distortion of that image or the remaking of a human being into an image of our own choosing is to mock God and it is blasphemous.
That is taking into human hands authority and power never designated to us. Declaring people are transgender, bi-sexual, homosexual, lesbian, or seeking to create a transhuman, is assuming the role and the authority of Almighty God.
Taking upon oneself the right and authority to surgically change a man into a woman or a woman into man is utter blasphemy, and even more so when it is a child that is being mutilated.
God has clearly defined woman in His Word. Let’s look at just a couple of references out of dozens that is the Bible.
1. Genesis 3:16 – She conceives and gives birth to children. God uniquely created her with the organs and physical capability to conceive, to give birth, and to nurture and baby. No male has the physical attributes capable of conception, giving birth, or to breast feed. It is clearly WOMAN.
2. Proverbs 31:15-31 – She is homemaker, caregiver, cook, leads a home industry, wise in fiscal management, has compassion and care for the needy, gives wise counsel to her husband and enables him to be successful and respected in his career. She is a WOMAN whose value “is far above rubies.”
3. Genesis 2:18; Ephesians 5:24,33 – God created woman to complete the man. She is to be his equal partner in life’s journey, his other self. She is his companion in life’s struggles, victories, joys, and pain; in raising the family and helping him be his best and fulfill God’s call and design; giving love, honor, value, respect, encouragement, and affirmation. “She shall be called WOMAN because she was taken out of man” (Genesis 2:23 KJV).
4. Genesis 2:21-25, 3:16; 1Timothy 2:12-15 – God created woman to come along side the man, not to rule over the man. The fall into sin would create a tension that God warned would bring conflict in the relationship. The woman would naturally strive to be over the man and man would strive to dominate. God’s original design did not have this tension.
God created man to lead, but with love, honor, respect, and value, laying down his life in the same manner Jesus Christ loves, honors, respects, and laid down His life for the church.
Woman comes along side the man with counsel, nurture, encouragement, affirmation, respect. Women have significant roles in ministry, business, and even leadership. This is seen in Proverbs 31:15-31, and in the lives of many women in the Bible.
God has given the woman great wisdom and ability. He has also set boundaries, by divine design, on the level of leadership role for a woman, carefully protecting her. [If you would like a detailed study of this topic see my book, Made by Design.]
God created the human race by His divine blueprint.
He has given a beautiful picture and clear definition of both the man and the woman in His Holy Word. When there is distortion of that image and redefining what is man and what is woman, it is only because men and women have allowed their own perception to become distorted and mutilated by sin and the powers of darkness.
Satan hates the human image because we are made in the image of God. He craves and longs to have that image which he will never possess.
The story of human history from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) to right now has been a struggle of mankind caught in a cosmic war between the powers of darkness and the Kingdom of God.
Mankind has been the pawn used by Satan to advance his war. He would remake human beings into the distorted image of satanic creatures that mock God, blaspheme His holy name, and blaspheme the image of God within them.
That is the true motive of the LGBTQ+, DNA modification, and transhuman agenda.
It is an even greater blasphemy when the Christian church becomes a carrier of the lie and the distortion.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for mocking your creation and blaspheming you by distorting the beauty of your creation and your image created in every human being.
More on this topic:
What Happens When the Church Chooses Deception
What Happens When the Church Rejects the Truth of God’s Word?
This Is What Happens When a Culture Rejects God’s Word
One Shocking Way Our Culture is Mocking God
4 Powerful Ways to Avoid Strong Delusion
How to Escape the Delusion in the Church
6 Things to Do When Your Church Is in Delusion
Three Ways to Spot Apostasy In a Church
What Happens When Pastors Compromise the Truth
How Christians Can Be a Powerful Light in a World of Darkness
Who Determines What is Truth?
Choosing to Believe a Lie
5 Serious Dangers Found in the Church Today
How This Culture of Deception is Leading To the Antichrist
How Should Christians Respond When the Church Moves New Age?
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Beware of This Seductive Spirit in the Church
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When Foolishness Becomes Wisdom
The Authority of a Disciple of Jesus Christ
The Word of Truth That Will Set This Generation Free
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 10 – How a Christian Can Guard Their Heart
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 15 – Jesus’ Disciples Must Stand Fast in a Culture of Delusion
Pastor Dean Sermon Archives Episode 17 – Jesus Redeems a Fallen Culture
A Truth You Can Trust
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 49 – Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Demons
Foundational U Podcast: Ep. 50 – Characteristics of the Current Western Culture
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Does God Ever Get Offended? Part One
A woman has two X chromosomes. A man has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Emasculating himself, taking hormones, and putting on a dress does not change his Y chromosome into a second X chromosome. And neither does it make him a woman. In fact, nothing will ever make him into a woman.